Wiley’s New Piedmont Prairie

The Wiley PTA Sustainability Committee is thrilled to announce the planting of a new Piedmont Prairie, located between the 3rd-5th grade playground and the basketball court. Thanks to the generous support of Leaf & Limb, a local sustainable tree care company, the Prairie will be seeded and carefully nurtured over the next three years.

But what exactly is a Piedmont Prairie, and why is it so important for our school and community?

A Piedmont Prairie is a type of grassland ecosystem that is native to the southeastern United States. Composed of a diverse mix of native grasses, wildflowers, and other plants, these prairies are an important part of our natural heritage and provide numerous benefits for wildlife and humans alike.

Here are just a few of the benefits that our new Piedmont Prairie will provide:

  • Biodiversity: By planting a diverse mix of native plants, the Piedmont Prairie will support a wide range of insects, birds, and other wildlife that are native to our region. This will help to increase biodiversity and support the health of our local ecosystems. An added bonus: more pollinators means a more productive yield from our new vegetable gardens!

  • Soil health: The deep roots of native grasses help to improve soil health and reduce erosion. This can help to reduce runoff and improve water quality in nearby streams and rivers. Healthier water and healthier soils makes for safer play spaces for children!

  • Carbon sequestration: Native grasses are also great at sequestering carbon from the atmosphere, which can help to mitigate the impacts of climate change.

  • Educational opportunities: The Piedmont Prairie will provide a unique opportunity for students to learn about the importance of native plants, pollinators, and other wildlife. This can help to foster a deeper understanding of our natural world and inspire students to become environmental stewards.

  • Beauty: Finally, the Piedmont Prairie will be a beautiful and inspiring addition to our school campus, providing a natural oasis for students, staff, and visitors alike.

In addition to these benefits, the Piedmont Prairie will also help to reduce the amount of time, money, and resources required to maintain the school's landscaping. These Priaries require no water, fertilizer, nor other inputs that are used in traditional lawns and landscaping. This will help to reduce our ecological footprint and promote a more sustainable future for our school and community.

Overall, we are thrilled to be planting our new Piedmont Prairie and are grateful to Leaf & Limb for their generous support. We look forward to watching this important ecosystem thrive and inspire future generations of environmental leaders.


Teacher Appreciation Week


United in Celebration: International Night