Raise Craze FAQs

What’s Raise Craze?

This year we are switching our fundraising efforts to something unique, fun and meaningful - Raise Craze: Fundraising Through Kindness! Raise Craze supports the goals of our school by encouraging students to live a life full of compassion, empathy, and gratitude and to give back to others!

Raise Craze is not your typical fundraising campaign. Students will pledge to perform at least 3 acts of kindness (AOK), and in return, their family, friends, and acquaintances sponsor those AOKs with a flat monetary donation.

Our goal for Raise Craze is $24,000 in net proceeds.

Check out the school leaderboard here!

How the Funds are Used

These funds will go toward supporting:

  • Provide curriculum enrichment through cultural arts programs and classroom technology purchases

  • Support teachers and staff through supply stipends, professional development grants, appreciation events, gifts and Room Parents

  • Organize and fund family engagement events like Fall Festival, International Night, Talent Show and 5th Grade Promotion Ceremony

How it Works

Starting on Monday, March 4th, using a phone, tablet or computer, caregivers are asked to register their student on the Raise Craze website. Click the “Register” button below to get started.

  1. Click ”Wiley International Studies Magnet Elementary School PTA” and enter the caregiver’s email address, create a password, enter caregiver’s birth month and birth year. Click “Create Account.”

  2. Under “Student Registration” enter the number of students to register. Then enter your student’s name and upload one photo of your student(s). The name(s) you enter here will be displayed as the sender for your emails.

  3. Under “Student Profile” enter student’s first and last name and select homeroom teacher from the dropdown menu. If you have more than one student at Wiley you will enter “Student Profile” information for each student. Once you’ve entered all students in your family, click “Next Acts of Kindness.”

  4. Now choose at least 3 Acts of Kindness for your student(s) to complete. You can select as many as you want from the dropdown menus or create your own at the bottom. Once completed, click “Next Donors.”

  5. On the “Reach Out to Family and Friends” page, enter the names and email addresses of prospective donors. Enter as many names and email addresses as you’d like. Raise Craze will send the emails on your behalf.* Hit “Next.”

  6. Now, you’ll see your family’s dashboard. Here, you’ll see additional ways to share your student’s fundraiser with potential donors. In “Check Off Your AOKs” you will check AOKs that have been completed by your student. Beside this box you’ll see the total dollar amount currently raised by your student(s).

*Email addresses will never be shared with third parties or used for marketing. Prospective donors will receive three emails during the fundraising period. If you prefer not to share email addresses, hit “Next” and get a link to the page(s) from your family’s dashboard.

Important Dates

Mon, 3/4

Raise Craze Kickoff: Register your student(s) on the Raise Craze website and get excited to complete AOKs!

Fri, 3/8

MIX 101.5 FM’s Carpool Casanova (Morning Carpool): Bryan Lord from MIX Mornings will sing, dance, and transform dropoff into a fun start to the day! Everyone is welcome to join us on the soccer field. Please park on Calvin Rd. or Valley View Street and walk up to the soccer field. Please do not park in carpool lane. Signs and banners welcoming Carpool Casanova are encouraged! Don’t forget to WEAR PINK!

Wed, 3/13

Afterschool Family Service 4pm - 4:45pm: Join Wiley families at the walkers pickup location to clean the grounds of our campus from K-2 playground up to 3-5 playground. We’ll collect sticks, dispose of trash and gather Lost and Found items. Remember to check off your student’s AOKs on their dashboard after this event!

Raise Craze Kindness Week

Mon 3/18 Dreaming of Kindness: PJ Day - wear your favorite PJs

Tues 3/19 Kindness Wins: Favorite Sports Team Day - wear your sports team or athletic apparel

Wed 3/20 Hats off to Kindness: Hat Day - wear your favorite hat

Thur 3/21 Crazy for Kindness: Crazy Hair Day - show off your wild and wacky hairdo

Fri 3/22 Celebration Day: Families are invited to join their students for lunch and music on the Wiley cafeteria lawn. Grade-level schedule below. Kona Ice will also be provided to all Wiley students! Special event planned if Wiley reaches its goal of 500 AOKs! The classroom with the highest number of AOKs today at 10:30am will win “Picnic with the Principal”!

Raise Craze Celebration Day Schedule

10:30am-11:30am Pre-K/K/1st grade

11:40am-12:40pm 4th/5th grades

12:50pm-1:50pm 2nd/3rd grades


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