Wiley PTA Welcomes Ryan LaVanway

The first day of school is right around the corner, and this year we are welcoming several new teachers joining the Wiley team. We are so excited these talented folks will be teaching and leading our kids this year! Our parent volunteers have interviewed each new teacher so we can learn a little more about who they are and what makes them so passionate about teaching. Please help us welcome them to the Wiley family!

In this interview, Wiley mom
Jill Furgurson speaks to Wiley’s new PE teacher Ryan LaVanway.

Tell us a little bit about who you are and where you were before you got to Wiley! 

I am from a small town in Northern Michigan, not a lot of people. I went to college at Ferris State, a small division II college. I played baseball for two years, but Covid ended that early. I graduated early and taught one semester of social studies to juniors and seniors. I was 21, teaching 18-year-olds! I also taught varsity baseball. Sports play a big part in my life. After that, I got a position in my hometown in an elementary school. I taught PE and social studies all of last year and taught varsity football and baseball. 

Those two sports seem pretty different? 

I played both, so I had experience in both. But I knew that there was more that the world had to offer, so I had to go experience life. I had heard great things about NC, and I have cousins in Asheville. I applied to Wiley online and didn’t hesitate. Everyone is so friendly. I was nervous about the big city, but everyone at the school made me feel welcomed. I’m very excited for this year! I came with my girlfriend who also got a job here. I’m playing baseball down here as well - the first week I came, I joined the men’s league, the Raleigh Oaks. 

Where is the next place that you really want to travel?  

That’s tough, I have a lot on my list. My upcoming trip is to Alaska with my family in the spring. Whale watching, fishing, a seaplane - I’m ecstatic for that! 


When you think about being a kid, what do you remember about PE class?  

PE was always my thing. I had a very strong relationship with my PE teacher. He was a role model to me and was always very involved in my life. I learned life lessons. He definitely inspired me to do what I do. People often think PE just looks like a fun class, but it's a great opportunity to learn leadership, respect, and how to conduct yourself in a less structured environment. 


What made you want to teach PE? 

1. My experience in sports. Sports have had a big impact on my life.

2. I’m adamant about a healthy lifestyle, and I am passionate about kids’ health and giving them the knowledge they need for lifelong fitness.

3. Still a kid at heart. 


Do you have a favorite teacher, and can you tell us what they taught you?

My dad, without a doubt. He was my coach growing up.  He was at every single one of my games, even in college. He taught me all the lessons that I know.

Do you miss him? 

Leaving my family was the hardest part of coming down there. 


What do you love about teaching physical fitness to kids?

RYAN: I love the joy that it brings kids. They come in so happy and excited for PE. It can be an outlet for the difficult part of their day, and I love being the highlight of kids’ day. I am passionate about giving them the resources for a lifestyle and teaching them they can be the best version of themselves. 


How can PE help kids with other kinds of learning and in other facets of their life outside of the gym?

RYAN: I am very adamant on this part. PE does so much more for the child than just helping them be fit. It actually helps them learn. I was on our school's wellness committee, and we were going through some data to look at correlations between office discipline visits. I found there was a direct relationship between the days that they did and did not have PE and the days they got in trouble. They can funnel their energy into PE class and then focus and settle down to learn. Physical fitness supports the brain in learning and taking in information. 


What is the most important thing kids can bring to your class?  

I would just say a positive attitude. I know that’s cliche, but it goes a long way to making the environment fun. It helps create a respectful class environment and develop sportsmanship. 


This is a question from my daughter Ayla: Will we do any PE outside? 

Oh yeah. I’m excited about being somewhere where we can be outside all the time after coming from Northern Michigan. We’ll play lots of outdoor field games. Even as a social studies teacher, I’d find excuses to get kids outside for a lesson. 


Is there anything else you’d like the Wiley community to know about you? 

Know that I am a 23-year-old kid at heart. I’m really excited to build relationships with the kids, and I’m going to try my best to have as much fun as possible with them.


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