Farewell and best wishes to Anna Joiner

Today, we gather to bid a heartfelt farewell to our incredible secretary, Anna Joiner. Anna has been a source of endless support, and a warm smile that greeted us every day. As she embarks on a new chapter in her life, we want to express our deepest gratitude and send her our warmest best wishes.

For those who have had the pleasure of interacting with Anna, you know that she is so much more than a secretary. She is the glue that holds our school together, the calming presence in the midst of chaos, and the embodiment of grace under pressure. Whether it was answering phones, assisting parents, or helping students find their way, Anna did it all with unparalleled dedication and kindness.

Anna, please remember that you will always have a special place in our hearts and in the Wiley Elementary School family. You've left an indelible mark on our school, and your legacy will continue to inspire us all. We wish you the very best in all your future endeavors, and may your days be filled with joy, success, and new adventures.


Custodial Appreciation Day


The Wiley Way Soirée is back!