Baba Bomani will be holding two in-person arts-integrated workshops for K-2 and 3-5 classrooms. As mentioned in the United Arts Council website:
“Baba Got BARS walks the students through the creative writing process using original songs and workbooks created by Baba Bomani.
Baba Got BARS: The ABC of Rap Baba Bomani’s program uses rhythm and rhyme to explain basic reading and math concepts such as how to recognize syllables and showing how a rappers flow is simply a number bond math equation! Students have fun breaking and learning how to rap the alphabet backwards, as well as learn crucial active listening skills and black history.
Baba Got BARS: The Writing Process: 3rd grade and up Students are taken on a fun, multi-media trip through the world of creative writing where they discuss the writing process (pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing). Students will rap along to original, professionally released music created by Bomani, as well as songs highlighting his tips on how to be a better creative writer. There will be dancing, and fun had by all!”
Click here to see Baba Bomani’s wonderful writing process.