Morning Carpool with Carpool Casanova

MIX 101.5 FM’s Carpool Casanova made a grand entrance this morning, and let's just say it was a ride to remember!

Carpool Casanova cruised into Wiley enthusiastic and the atmosphere was electric with anticipation. Little did we know that this morning's drop-off would turn into a whirlwind of fun! The Wiley soccer field turned into a mini dance party, with laughter echoing in the air.

With a microphone in hand and a playlist that could make even the grumpiest morning person smile, Carpool Casanova belted out tunes that had the whole school singing along.

As the school day officially began, Carpool Casanova bid farewell, promising to return for future morning sing-alongs. Carpool Casanova knows how to turn an ordinary morning into an extraordinary adventure!

Until next time, Carpool Casanova!


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